What is a ransomware attack?
Ransomware is a type of malicious malware. It is a constant problem to remember; it comes in various forms and evolves over time. In this cyberattack case, cybercriminals use malicious programs to steal data and lock certain information or laptops from a distance. Therefore, they ask for a ransom to unlock devices or give their information back to the company and threaten to block all access if you do not pay the ransom. This situation can be devastating, especially for SMEs who might never recover from this threat. Therefore, understanding what it is, how it works, and knowing the risks are keys to preventing it from happening and reacting if it does happen.
Different types of ransomwares attacks
Scareware appears in the form of a legit software/program. This software that looks like a real one usually sends alerts and claims to have found issues on your device. If you click download, the malicious actor can now completely control your device.
It is a very common one. This one restricts access to the files or apps present on your current device. They block the machine and make it out of use until you pay a ransom to the cybercriminal.Visual It is a very common one. This one restricts access to the files or apps present on your current device. They block the machine and make it out of use until you pay a ransom to the cybercriminal.
Mobile ransomware
It is a very common one as well. This one restricts access to the files or apps present on your current device. They block the machine and make it out of use until you pay a ransom to the cybercriminal.
This one comes from the Dark Web. Cybercriminals create their form of malware and provide it to users on the Dark Web so that they can now use it to inflict ransomware attacks. Practices are changing over time and constantly evolving. Stay informed!
Popular ransomware attacks
• Antirivuses & WinFixers
They claim to be an antivirus and create issues to get you to buy the whole package to fix it.
• System and Ultimate Defenders
Looks like a usual Microsoft Defender program. You receive alerts claiming problems on the device and its files.
• Live Security Platinum
False messages related to suspicious activity.
• Crypto malware: This is the most common one. This one encrypts some files making them unusable to the user.
• LockerGoga: encrypts files on an attacked device. Mainly used to target more prominent corporations.
• Locky
• Cerber
• Jigsaw
Mobile ransomware
• Fake apps not from the official app store
• Software updates
• Links through SMS or email.
• Counterfeit apps that do not emanate from the official app store.